This python script converts a XML output of a [CPPCheck]( command to a JUNIT XML format to be used with a CICD like in Gitlab.
## Arguments
- Arg1 => Argument 1 is the input XML file, crated by the CPPCheck command
- Arg2 => Argument 2 needs to be the path to the scanned source folder
- Arg3 => Argument 3 is the output file where the converted XML should be written to (If file exists, file will be overwritten)
## Install
To install this script into your bin folder you can move it to a folder in your path varibale (ex. `/usr/local/bin/`) remove its file extention (remove`.py`) and set its permission to `755`. You can now use it just as any other command (`CppcheckToJunit [arg1] [arg2] [arg3]`).